Monday 11 June 2012

tomorrow it begins!!

I cant believe that it is tomorrow night that Mummy and I are going to our first "Out of The Box" event!!
 I am so excited!!!
It is the opening night tomorrow and Mummy and I can get all dressed up, and go along to join in the celebrations and also to see "The Flying Orchestra". Because it is night time and we have to leave Stella with Daddy after he finishes work, we will drive in to Southbank. During the week though we might catch the bus or the train which will be so fun. Sometimes if I am going to Southbank from my Nona's place , we go in a citycat across the river which I really love. 
On Thursday we are going to pack a picnicx lunch to take with us so in between our shows we can find a lovely place to sit on the grass and munch our food and watch the passing parade!

Im not sure if Stella completely understands what "Out Of The Box" is all about, but I know she's going to LOVE it once she's there! Ive loved looking at the other Blogs,and I hope i get to meet the other bloggers at the festival! See you there!!!!

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