Thursday 14 June 2012

Hanging out at the Festival!

I went to the festival today and the 1st play I went to was called "Me and My Shadow". It was about a girl who started playing with her shadow .I really loved how the characters kept liking each other then not liking each other and then liking each other AGAIN! I think at the end they realised that playing with a friend was SO much better than being alone, even though sometimes its hard to share, or when people have different ideas from you about how the game should go that can be really frustrating! Mummy said it reminded her a bit of me and Stella when we play together and sometimes I get annoyed because Stella doesnt do what I want her to! Most of the time though we have such a good time playing and making up stuff and having fun together, and I always miss her when shes not with me. (Sometimes I even talk to her when she's not there because Im so used to her being with me!)
It was so cool how the shadow man played with little lights and even picked the lights up and it didnt burn his hand. The man and the lady were very good actors and very funny, especially when they were copying each other. It was amazing how their shadows kept changing sizes sometimes she was the humungous one and he was tiny and then it was the other way around. 

After that show we went down to the Sticky maze! You could stick anything you wanted on the sticky walls, and it took us ages to get out because we kept going the wrong way and ending up in dead ends! 

Next we went and saw "The Race for the Chinese Zodiac",. I really loved it, especially how the man pretended to be all the different animals. I laughed lots when he was being a pig, and the snake too. I found out that I was born in the year of the Pig. Mummy told me that I was actually born in theryear of the GOLDEN PIG, Which only happens every 600 years!!! so thats pretty lucky and special I think! 
We learnt about some special Chinese instruments and they made really wonderful music. 
We also did lots of wandering around and saw a TALL tent of TAll Tales where there was heaps of great stuff happening! 

We saw some VERY interesting people, some had their faces painted and one lady had the most beautiful and amazing dress!

On the way to the carpark we stopped at the underage stage and saw 3 Bollywood dancers. I loved it because I never saw people dancing like that in my life!

I wanted to stay longer but Mummy said I couldnt because we had to pick up Stella from hanging out with Pop. We are going the next 3 days though so I shouldnt complain one tinsey tiny bit!


  1. I LOVE your photos Ruby! It looks like you've had such a fun day. I was born in the Year of the Pig too, but not the Golden Pig so you probably are luckier than I am!

  2. Wow you've certainly had some wonderful multicultural experiences at Out of the Box!

    Me and My Shadow is magical - waiting to see what's inside the paper bags certainly kept us on the edge of our seats!

    Can you remember how water was used in the show??


  3. Hi Cass, I clicked on your blog from the OOTB website and I'm guessing from your names here that we might be your neighbours (crazy lady out the back with the mandarin tree)? It's a bit hard to recognise your faces through our fence to be sure though! Craig and I take my niece and nephew every (second)year to the festival and we are heading in tomorrow to see The Flying Orchestra. I've enjoyed reading about how your little ones have taken it all in. Enjoy the weekend! Libby
