Saturday 12 May 2012

30 sleeps to go!!

Hi everyone!! Only 30 sleeps till the 'Out of the Box" festival starts! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just cant wait to see how they are going to make the orchestra fly! And also how are they going to have a bus on stage, or the beach, or how they're going to make angels?

I cant wait to see "Me and My Shadow" because Mummy showed me the ad on the computer and it looks so funny and tricky!

Also we're going to get to build a city out of boxes which will be sooooo cool, Im going to try to make a GINORMOUS house!!!!!
Ive been practicing making lots of cubbies at home with my little sister Stella. I use anything, mattresses, boogie boards, sheets, boxes, tables and lots of pillows!! Stella's only a little girl so she sometimes knocks the cubbies over!

At kindy Ive been making a big bird watching tent with my friends out of  2 big boxes that my teacher got from Bunnings. We also cut out some small windows to watch the birds. And we saw some crows, 2 parrots and some pigeons and they didnt even know we were watching them because we were so quiet and 'cos we were IN the box!! We stuck lots of leaves and twigs on them so we could CAMOUFLAGE our box and the birds wont guess what we're up to. It was so cool, but it collapsed one night because it rained so much that it got soggy and fell apart!

Next we made a cubby in a tree, and we made some brick stairs to climb up. And we even hung the scramble net from the trees under the cubby so everyone could pretend to sleep in there like a humongous hammock!!! So Im getting lots of good ideas for "We Built This City" !!!!

Anyway its mothers day so Stella and I have to go and get ready for our family lunch. Nona and Pop, and Nanny Sue and Poor OL' are coming over and Mummy, Stella and I are going to do a puppet show, and maybe a dance too and sing a made up song. Maybe when im big I can be in "Out of The Box" !!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having lots of fun getting ready for the festival! We love how colourful your posts are and can't wait to read more! <3 Cassie & Archie
