Monday 28 May 2012

Planning our Out of The Box Adventure!

Me dressed as Willy Wonka!

Hello everyone, Ruby here! 
Me and Stella and Mummy are getting so excited about how close it is to the week of the festival! Daddy is so jealous that he's not coming because he has to work, but I think he might tag along on the Saturday which would be fantastic! it could be a whole family expedition!
We have got our tickets all organised, and though we arn't going to the festival EVERY day we are going on a lot of days!
On Tuesday night we go to the opening night (just Mummy and I, Stella has to stay home with daddy coz she's too little to stay up that late!), and we'll get to see the final dress rehearsal of "The Flying Orchestra" which will be BRILLIANT! 
On Thursday we are going to "Me and My Shadow" and then "The Race to the Chinese Zodiac" and then one of the cool workshops, (We cant decide yet!)
On Saturday we are going to "This(Baby) Life" (that ones really for Stella!) and "Bear with Me" and "We Built this City".  Stella and I are going to be taking our favourite Teddy bears to "Bear with Me". Im taking Bruno, and Stella's taking Charlie-bear, they're very excited too because they've never been to a play before!
Sunday is the last day of the festival and Im going with my friend Sophie (and our mummies) to see "Hello Spaceboy!". After that we'll go and see some of the cool free activities like 'The Sticky Maze' and 'The Odditorium'.  I REALLY REALLY want to go to the Dinosaur Petting Zoo too so Im going to have to pretty please mummy for that one!!!!!!
So it going to be a really fun adventure week and I cant wait! I hope it doesn't rain, but that wont stop us anyway!
Oh yeah also, I ended up dressing up as Willy Wonka for our kindy dress up day because "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" was the BEST book and he was a cool and crazy character...Theres a photo at the top of me in my costume! 
Talk to you all again soon,
love Ruby ...and Stella xxx

Tuesday 22 May 2012

having pictures in your mind and other reasons to stop Lord Shadow!

Mummy told me about "Hello Spaceboy" and how we're going to see him at Out Of The Box in his big adventure to stop LORD SHADOW from stealing kids imaginations..... If I was helping Spaceboy I would try to steal the baddies powers so he couldnt get our brains out...well the really cool and amazing part of our brains anyway!

 I wouldn't want someone to steal my imagination because I need it to help me have ideas for games, and especially when Stella and I are playing make believe and pretending to be dinosaurs or superheroes or mummies or escaped prisoners or fairies or anything else!

Also my imagination helps me to love books even more because when Mummy or Daddy are reading to me I can see pictures in my head of the people and places in the story. 

Like last night we read in "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" about how Charlie Bucket found a golden ticket to go to Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory and I could  actuallsee  him and Grandpa Joe jumping up and down with excitement!.... and I could even really SMELL the chocolate with my imagination too!
This week at Kindy I have to dress up as a character from my favourite book but I just cant decide......Im going to have to use my imagination I guess! 

Saturday 12 May 2012

30 sleeps to go!!

Hi everyone!! Only 30 sleeps till the 'Out of the Box" festival starts! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just cant wait to see how they are going to make the orchestra fly! And also how are they going to have a bus on stage, or the beach, or how they're going to make angels?

I cant wait to see "Me and My Shadow" because Mummy showed me the ad on the computer and it looks so funny and tricky!

Also we're going to get to build a city out of boxes which will be sooooo cool, Im going to try to make a GINORMOUS house!!!!!
Ive been practicing making lots of cubbies at home with my little sister Stella. I use anything, mattresses, boogie boards, sheets, boxes, tables and lots of pillows!! Stella's only a little girl so she sometimes knocks the cubbies over!

At kindy Ive been making a big bird watching tent with my friends out of  2 big boxes that my teacher got from Bunnings. We also cut out some small windows to watch the birds. And we saw some crows, 2 parrots and some pigeons and they didnt even know we were watching them because we were so quiet and 'cos we were IN the box!! We stuck lots of leaves and twigs on them so we could CAMOUFLAGE our box and the birds wont guess what we're up to. It was so cool, but it collapsed one night because it rained so much that it got soggy and fell apart!

Next we made a cubby in a tree, and we made some brick stairs to climb up. And we even hung the scramble net from the trees under the cubby so everyone could pretend to sleep in there like a humongous hammock!!! So Im getting lots of good ideas for "We Built This City" !!!!

Anyway its mothers day so Stella and I have to go and get ready for our family lunch. Nona and Pop, and Nanny Sue and Poor OL' are coming over and Mummy, Stella and I are going to do a puppet show, and maybe a dance too and sing a made up song. Maybe when im big I can be in "Out of The Box" !!